Success Stories

Tanglin Trust School, Singapore
Cashless payments at Tanglin Trust School, Singapore
Tanglin Trust School, Singapore has over 85 years of experience and tradition in delivering quality learning and growing experience to over 2,500 students from nursery to sixth form.
Excellent Campus facilities and services are key to providing a good platform for education, therefore Tanglin school contract with Sodexo to provide the catering services to ensure the best possible catering services for its students, staff, and parents. In 2009 Tanglin and Sodexo implemented the Campus cashless payments solution to automate and enhance their junior, senior and ‘gourmet’ staff cafes .
Contactless cards have been issued to over 1,400 senior students and staff ,who use these on a daily basis to pay for their meals from their prepaid Campus account in 11 windows based touch screen POS devices located in the 3 cafeterias. Parents can topup their accounts online using PayPal, Visa or MasterCard, or with cash using the self service kiosk located on Campus.
Like most International Schools, Tanglin Trust Schools parents are very demanding. They have high expectations, very busy lives and are quick to complain when services fall short. They like the Campus cashless payments solution because it’s easy to understand, easy to use, and helps them encourage their children to choose healthy options.
According to Jonno Johnstone, Food & Administration Executive for Tanglin Trust School, ‘Parents particularly like the online ordering facility which is used for all the junior school children. A monthly menu is posted online mid month and parents have until the end of the month to order for the following month. Its straight forward for parents, they go online and can complete the full months order and payment process in around 15 minutes’
‘The online order menu also features a traffic light system to indicate nutritional value, green for ‘eat often’ to red for ‘eat occasionally’. At a glance, parents can make choices during the ordering process which ensure their children are eating healthy food whilst being able to give them occasional ‘treats’.
‘Obviously parents need a bit of pushing from time to time. Like most people, parents don’t like change or learning new processes, so when the new system was introduced it took a few months for parents to get used to it. Its important to regularly communicate to parents and we send an email to all parents when the new menus are posted and a reminder just before the order deadline’.
The online ordering system is also beneficial to Sodexo. Having the full order for the month allows Sodexo to carefully plan their food ordering and preparation, therefore saving costs and reducing food wastage, an important environmental consideration for Tanglin School.
It has also been important for Tanglin to continually review and improve operational processes. For example, they have just streamlined their forgotten and lost card procedures to help students and school administrators. Students can now use a new a facility on the self service kiosk to issue a temporary voucher to make sure that they don’t go without food.
The Campus system also helps Sodexo manage their resources efficiently and allows them to focus on the important job of preparing and delivering top quality food. Students simply order, tap and go minimizing queues and Sodexo staff time to process lunch orders. Cashless payments also reduce cash handling issues such as reconciliation and cash shrinkages which is always a challenge in a cash based cafeteria.
Vertical Payment Solutions Pte. Ltd. is a leading provider of Campus Cashless Payments and Automation solutions to International Schools and Colleges in the Asia Pacific. Campus solution customers include Tanglin Trust School of Singapore, Australian International School, Singapore, Jakarta International School, International School of Beijing, Taipei American School, International School of Bangkok. Yokohama International School, international School of Beijing, Faith Academy Philippines, and many more.
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